White Sponge Block video

A short video by Michael that looks at work onto an A5 white card, initially created on the Compact Hotplate, then developed and completed with much more detail using the Stylus Pro tool. The great thing about work like this is that there is a lot of opportunity for adaptation, evolution and enhancement of the…


Serendipity and opportunity

Serendipity, opportunity, good luck, fluke or something else? Sometimes, images in encaustic art just pop-up into the pathway. This is one of those. I’ve called it “By the pool” and it is one of those images that finds itself created during the process – letting go and allowing imagination to fly free, just like those little…


TV on October 26th

Time flies along and already we are back on TV with some more new products and some more demonstrations of encaustic art. If you feel like watching you can tune in live or watch on Hochanda.com in the rewind section. We will put the links here after the shows have happened.