Another couple of hours on TV and it’s fireworks night! Well, fire certainly works for melting wax adn we had fun at teh studios doing lots of demonstrations. This is to help introduce people to the activity of Encaustic Art, so the demos are often fairly simple – not wanting to put people off by making it look too challenging. But there is still time, with those cameras watching, to show some nice ideas yet again. In Spring 2022 we intend to hand over the import of the Encaustic Art range to another younger business. This will ensure that everything remains available and moving along into the distant future! So Shona & Michael don’t have many more hours on TV before handing over!!!

Early start at 7am and our monitor failed, so I had no idea what was happening at the start! But it all worked out ok in the end.
This REWIND video will be available until January 4th 2022.
The 11am show started with a fireworks demo on the Compact Hotplate. There were quite a few demos in this one.
This REWIND video will be available until January 4th 2022.