Spring is coming here in the UK and colourful flowers inspire the urge to paint and capture that brightness after all the dull winter days. These examples below are all done by colouring-over with the stylus. A photo image was printed out onto regular copy paper, then glued onto a more rigid card board – sometimes wooden board for a really solid final piece. The yellow crocus image was fused with hot air blown carefully through a metal sieve (to reduce air disturbance of the molten wax) and this has resulted in a smooth surface without the stylus tool marks. The more graphical purple crocus image still has the tool marks showing and these can add to the flow of the image, bringing surface texture. The two tulip field images were done for our first TV broadcast on Hochanda to the Netherlands. Encaustic art, does after all, come from there.
STAMPZETZ are a new range of polymer stamps that we are stocking. These see-through stamps mean that you can precisely position where images are printed and this makes it far easier to create multiple stamp images. This is great within the realms of encaustic art but also opens up new creative opportunities! Just using the stamps themselves as artistic tools can be an inspiring experience and can produce some unexpected and enjoyable artwork.
You can see more about this and buy STAMPZETZ packs through the shop or click on the products below. To see more examples look at the STAMPZETZ website.