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Inge-Lise Ilanza Pedersen  Denmark

Gallery Ilanza
Dyssevej 22, Ubby,
DK4490 Jerslev. Denmark
Tel: +45 59596909 Fax: +45 59596908
Member of ICAC (Int Council of Art & Culture)

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In her own words...
Easter Sunday, April 9th 1939, was the beginning of my creative career. With deep roots in the nature of Funen, where I was born, I worked with embroidery and model knitting, along with ordinary jobs.
Then I reached the oil and water colour period

Being self taught in the school of life
is tough discipline
even tougher is
to reach the next level

I feel I reached next level when I met Michael Bossom, the Welsh painter and expert in Encaustic Art, a thousand year old painting technique.
Having learned from Michael, I developed myself and my techniques, and I teach in Denmark as part of the
Encaustic Art Teaching Network

I enjoy working with the pure and clear colours of the beeswax, creating paintings ranging from tranquil landscape, through the scenaries of Lanzarote, to the fantasy and mystery - with appeal to the subconscious mind and our world of dreams.

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Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401