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Inge Lise Ilanza Pedersen . Denmark Back to Artist's Index

Inge Lise has worked with many different media during her life - embroidery, model knitting, oil painting & water colour. However, since her work with encaustic, a new force of imaginative quality has emerged, bringing with it refreshed interpretations of favoured subjects, as well as many new creative adventures and experiences.

Wandering Souls - go to more freeform abstracts by Inge-Lise
...more freeform abstracts

Fyn - go to more landscape /mind scape
...more land/mindscapes

Find out more about Inge-Lisese
... about Inge-Lise

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Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401