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Encaustic LINKS INDEX at
Techniques sections of encaustic art - iron & stylus - hot air work - hotplate work - making encaustic paint - lots more.
Visit the INDEX of Encaustic Galleries at
Go to the BEGINNERS INDEX for encaustic art at
Go to this INDEX to find starting points for DEVELOPING your encaustic art
INDEX page for option for REFINING encaustic approaches

Featured Encaustic Artist of the Month

Some Encaustic Artists

(around 2000AD)

John Buckland
Elisabeth van Uden
Elisabeth van Uden
Michael Bossom
Michael Bossom

Joe Mcmenamin

Inge-Lise Ilanza Pedersen
Inge_-Lise Ilanza Pedersen's encaustic art
Lieve Goeman

Milos Beran

Heather Hill

Janette Shead - Encaustic Photo realism
Janette Shead


visit the encaustic art image reference collection with technique & product links too

Go to Wax Gallery

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401