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World suppliers for encaustic art products - a list of some importers & distributors
Encaustic LINKS INDEX at
Techniques sections of encaustic art - iron & stylus - hot air work - hotplate work - making encaustic paint - lots more.
Visit the INDEX of Encaustic Galleries at
Go to the BEGINNERS INDEX for encaustic art at
Go to this INDEX to find starting points for DEVELOPING your encaustic art
INDEX page for option for REFINING encaustic approaches

Well thanks to spam hackers using this facility to do their sly mischief,
we no longer have the ecards enabled - sorry

SEND TO A FRIEND with's ecards available under any image in the collection ...

  • Look for Send as e-Card under all the writing, (just above the Quick Rate). Enter all your information but DO NOT ENTER A MEMBER NAME! After you have made the card "check" the box if you want to see a preview. You may then edit it some more, abandon it , or send it.
    * If you want to receive confirmation when the recipient opens the ecard then make sure to "check" the box that says this which is situated below the preview box.
    NOTE: If you previewed the image this box will need to be ticked again BEFORE SENDING.
    ...then just send it and see the note saying it is sent The recipient receives a personal email advising them where to find the card.
  • You get a notification when they have opened it.

    EASY : )

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401