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INDEX page for option for REFINING encaustic approaches

A bit about Arts Encaustic

In 1986 Michael Bossom was a wood turner selling his goods at craft shows around the UK. During the last show before Christmas that year, Michael and his wife Shona met a French Canadian named Jean Marie Giraud, who was selling unusual pictures painted using heat techniques.

They bought one of his mysterious landscapes and before long Michael Bossom found himself entering this new and mysterious world. The wax effects, vivid and vibrant colours and forms that just ignite the imagination carried Michael forward into a completely new field of work. Today he is known for his inspirational artwork and creative enterprise. A brief story of the development of Arts Encaustic is outlined in these few pages.
Browse through just clicking Go to the next page in this series for more for some more. The links at the side take you to each page individually so you can find out how it all developed into a World-wide (web) idea.

turning to encaustic art content in brief      
from wood turning
to encaustic art
in 1986 / 1987
mike89.jpg - 15090 Bytes selling the first
wax paintings
in West Wales
during 1987
aelogo90.jpg - 3965 Bytes developing
1989 - 1991
Arts Encaustic on the WWW since 1996 Getting
up to date
with the
our progress

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401