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1986 ~ ...from wood turning to wax painting...

woodturnings & other pieces - 1986 Jean Marie Giraud's original painting
Michael Bossom was a wood turner selling his work at craft shows around the UK. At the last show before Christmas in 1986 Michael and his wife Shona, met a French Canadian named Jean Marie Giraud who was selling unusual pictures painted using heat techniques. No title was given...
Shona & Michael bought one of Jean's paintings, which had been produced using waxes and oil pastel worked with an iron and a heated plate. Above is the image that fascinated Michael so much that he just had to have a go himself, although he'd never painted before.
The very first effort! could be a landscape??
The very first efforts! ...using Shona's prized domestic iron Michael set of on an adventure that completely changed his life and has since affected hundreds of thousands of other people too. He found the results so fascinating that he had to do more... ...and the second!The effects from the iron enabled a satisfying and intriguing result which occurred almost instantly , and because the wax just had to cool off, was finished immediately. The four natural effects the iron causes are easily assembled into simple and surreal landscapes

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401