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Four Horizons : Low Hills - the rounded edge of the iron ...

<<< Flat Horizon

<<< Low Hills

<<< High Hills

<<< Peaked Mountians

Low hills are formed by the rounded front edge of the iron's baseplate.
First load the iron in the normal landscape manner, using and
Smooth across the card leaving some space at the top to represent the sky. As you move the rounded edge is pushed up into the sky are making distinct curved hill forms.
Continue to work down the card using the top curved section of the base plate to push wax upwards, forming a collection of rounded hill forms.
The low curved hills are very easy to create and are usually the starting point for landscape forms using the iron.

Making wipe through water for a lake

First prepare a tissue pad by folding up one of the boxed tissues that are used for cleaning and polishing. Then dab some foliage effect into the foreground wax and at the same time warm the card so the wax stays molten. Now place the card flat down onto the disposable under-paper and pick up your tissue pad.

Holding the card firmly along its top edge press firmly down with the clean tissue pad then in a swift and clean movement swipe the tissue pad across the card lifting it as you go.... more
Finally you will arrive at an image which many have visited during their work and play with encaustic art landscape using the small painting iron.
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  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401