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Janette Shead. England Back to Artist's Index

Iron Work
Aided by the iron and some drawn silhouettes Janette has used imagination to develop each of these images and communicate her feelings through them.

The large pink on black image at the bottom was done as a commission for a wall hanging.

Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Vivid Shores Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  anchorage Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  undersea Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Touched by the Moon
Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Enchanted Forest Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Dreams Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Solstace Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Reaching for the light
Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Pink Seas
Large Wall Mural
Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Killer Whale Janette Shead - Encaustic Artist -  Protection

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  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401