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John Buckland
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John Buckland . Wales Back to Artist's Index
Creative Encaustica

John Buckland's creativity flows and ripples through the molten waxes that are the essence of encaustic work. Many of these images have been formed by using an electrically heated tray and working the wax on top of card placed on the hot surface. Many tissue techniques and a bit of digital enhancement afterwards offers us a small glimpse of the possibilities...

Glow worm by John Buckland Room with a View by John Buckland Moonlight Shadow by John Buckland
Untitled encaustic image by John Buckland Flower Bed - encaustic by John Buckland Water Garden by John Buckland
Strange Dream - encaustic hotplate by John Buckland Pond Life - encaustic by John Buckland Reaching Out - encaustic heat tray by John Buckland
Night Watchman - encaustic wax on hotplate by John Buckland Joney's Garden by John Buckland Center Stage - encaustic by John Buckland
Bees Eye View - encaustic waxart by John Buckland

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Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401