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Index of Elisabeth van Uden

Elisabeth van Uden. Netherlands  Back to Artist's IndexChange an old encaustic abstract into a tree

...that's one of the great things abut working with heat as a solvent for wax - you can rework old images at any time

The original encaustic abstract done around 1997 but wax melts so... becomes a new concept.  The tree begins to take form... ...and the tree is completed in a recreated environment.
Elisabeth did this original, fairly abstract piece some years ago. It is about 500mm x 700mm is size. As time passed she decided that it would be fun to experiment with changing an old piece of work. So, out of the frame and on with the hot air gun!You can see how Elisabeth has cleverly adapted the form of the original work to utilise the light, yet completely change the image. With careful development the tree and foreground have been formed and defined "out of the old". The final tree form remind one of a prehistoric forest.
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  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401