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Elisabeth van Uden. Netherlands    ...back to index

Added in December 2001...

klimop vrouw
ivy woman

Much of the work on this page was completed in 2000. New approaches and experiments in technique led to different and interesting outcomes. Most of these images were done inthe Spring of 2001 but a couple were added in December 2001.

These 2 paintings were produced by Elisabeth in the latter part of 2001.

Added in the Spring of 2001...
Careful painting of this beautiful avenue of oaks was helped by the ability to alter the wax at any time during the process. This allowed improved light and depth within the image.
Elisabeth van Uden - Oak Avenue ~ encaustic wax
Lady of Peru - Elisabeth van Uden - encaustic painting
Navajo Woman detail
Lady of Peru - Elisabeth van Uden - encaustic painting
Navajo Woman 63x33cm 1994
Elisabeth uses the iron and stylus, hot air and a large glass topped hot plate for much of her work. On the hotplate she uses direct wax application, hair brushes, sponges, tissues, scrapers, rollers and many other domestic items that "come to hand"
Gesh Women - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting
Veiled Women 2001 30x41cm on canvas
Clown - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting Butterfly - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting
Willow in Green - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting Black Swan - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting
Black Swan
50x40cm 2001
County Scape - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting
Relaxt - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting
Relaxt 32x28cm 2001
Wigwam - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting
Wigwam 50x40cm 2001
Acrylic & Encaustic
on Canvas Board
Song of the Whale - Elisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Painting

Rhapsody in Blue
50x65cm 2000
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  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401