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Index of Elisabeth van Uden Elisabeth van Uden. Netherlands  Back to Artist's Index

Elisabeth van Uden was born on the 14th December 1938 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. She is the mother to 4 children and a grandmother too. For 12 years Elisabeth was a Rudolf Steiner School teacher, also helping in the administration of the school. This type of schooling is very conducive to development of the artistic nature within us all, especially as children.

The handbook "Encaustic Art - The basic techniques of Modern Wax Painting" which had been written by Michael Bossom in English, was translated by Elisabeth into German. Her expert knowledge made this task possible. In 1996 Elisabeth van Uden established an Encaustic Academy for Europe. She has also worked at a private academy with techniques of oil painting, wet in wet watercolour and airbrush . In 1999 she wrote a series of articles for "Palet & tekenstift" about encaustic art. In 2005 Elisabeth made a DVD program to help tesch others the basis of hot air and hotplate work. Entitled "Encaustic Art - From Hobby to Art"

Elisabeth speaks fluent Dutch and German and can understand and communicate pretty well in English too. Her courses are excellent.

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Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401