Click for the product index of the encaustic art range
World suppliers for encaustic art products - a list of some importers & distributors
Encaustic LINKS INDEX at
Techniques sections of encaustic art - iron & stylus - hot air work - hotplate work - making encaustic paint - lots more.
Visit the INDEX of Encaustic Galleries at
Go to the BEGINNERS INDEX for encaustic art at
Go to this INDEX to find starting points for DEVELOPING your encaustic art
INDEX page for option for REFINING encaustic approaches
The Many Uses & Applications of Encaustic Art Encaustic Art has so Many Uses
...that it is often hard to grasp just how versatile this molten wax medium can be. In these sections you can find stories and potentials for every level of ability and many areas of interest.  
Fine Art Products Hot Air Gun Working


General Articles of Interesting events
Convention of Encaustic Art Teaching Network - Oswaldtwistle 2001
Arts Encaustic Forum where there are all sorts of topics
Stories relating to therapeutic situations
Stephen Whitehead using encaustic with ME and more...
Kirsty Stewart - encaustic art with limited sight & restricted mobility

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401