Refining & broadening encaustic approaches, tools, materials & supports, as well as wax paint formulations are a vast array of interlocked subjects.

Do you use resinous wax or non-resin waxes? Resinous waxes are common in the USA & also widely used when home made. The encaustic art waxes do not contain any resins.

Our Artistic section looks at a whole plethora of domestically available tools, supports, & the whole home made process for resin containing waxes. Of course, the formulation you choose will determine the character of the wax you then work with in your artistic expression. And all the varieties of formulation offer varying characteristics within the rersultant wax colour paints.

Visit the links for encaustic artists own pages
Take a look through the links section of our site orexplore other encaustic suppliers & encaustic artist sites.
Visit the Galleries index page
Or look at the galleries index for a few collections of encaustic work.

Encaustic Art is a product line started in 1987 in the UK, then developed as a hobby art, therapy& relaxation & a more refined art form too. It does not claim to be anything other than a way of working with molten wax colour. There are many approaches to encaustic work, but heat needs to be involved to make sense of the term encaustic (to burn in).

Thank you for visiting this site. We hope it has been useful for you & that you find a desire to explore encaustic work in whatever manner suits your interest.

Click for the product index of the encaustic art range
World suppliers for encaustic art products - a list of some importers & distributors
Encaustic LINKS INDEX at
Techniques sections of encaustic art - iron & stylus - hot air work - hotplate work - making encaustic paint - lots more.
Visit the INDEX of Encaustic Galleries at
Go to the BEGINNERS INDEX for encaustic art at
Go to this INDEX to find starting points for DEVELOPING your encaustic art
INDEX page for option for REFINING encaustic approaches
Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401